Justin at the Gym


Last Thursday, while I was lifting, there were a few guys off to the side joking around and talking about girls and relationships.  One of the guys eventually said something along the lines of, “You know, most girls just date you, take your money and leave. Girls say they want the nice, sweet guy, but that’s not true.” The other guys agreed.

I interjected, “Actually, you know, guys and girls are looking for two different things. You see, we guys tend to lust physically, while girls lust emotionally.  That’s why soap operas and drama novels are so popular. They really do want that companionship, but often time they get distracted by things that don’t really matter.  It’s just like us guys.” The guys shrugged their shoulders and replied, “Yeah. I guess so.”

Then the same guy as before continued, “It’s just that girls down here are so different from where I’m from.” I said, “Oh yeah, where’s that?” He answered, “Oklahoma.”  I said, “Yep.  I’m from Tennessee.  They’re definitely different. What brought you down here?”  He said, “I was a baseball coach at a private Christian university, Oral Roberts, in Oklahoma.  I moved to New York to coach Div I baseball.  A few jobs fell through and ended up working in financial management.  Then, I quit working for the company I was working for, moved down here, and started my own financial management company.” I said, “Oh, I actually used to be a strength coach for Carson-Newman College, a private Christian school in Tennessee. Then I met my wife at a camp, ended up getting engaged, then I had to move down here because she wouldn’t move up there. She works for a ministry called the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  Have you ever heard of it?”  He answered, “Yeah.  We had it at our school.”  I continued, “She’s the area director for FCA in South Florida.  We actually met at an FCA camp. If you don’t mind me asking, how’s your walk?” “Well, it’s here and there if you know what I mean.  I have my good days and bad days,” he replied. I asked him, “What church are you going to?”  He answered, “I’m not.”  “Now, how effective would a pitcher be without the field backing him up?” I asked.  He said, “I know.  I really need to go. Where do you go?”  I answered, “FBC Deerfield.”  “How big is it?” he asked.  “It’s gotten up to about 350, but it’s down to about 200 right now.  We’re having to grow a little bit again.  A few things have happened in the past that have hurt some people.”  He said, “Yeah. That’s what I don’t like about small churches.  There’s too much politics.”  I agreed but said, “But in the large churches there is still politics, but you don’t know about it; and, you lose community.  Besides, there’s politics at Wal-Mart and you still go there.”  He replied, “Yeah, I know it’s not really an excuse. I really need to get back into going.”

We introduced ourselves – his name is Justin – and he asked what time I usually worked out.  I told him about this same time and he said that he looks forward to seeing me.

We then parted.

I saw Justin again today and we talked once again for a moment.  Please say a prayer for Justin and my ongoing relationship with him as God provides.



This past weekend, my family and I drove up to Atlanta.  While we were getting gas, I began talking…

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