Michael and Rebekah


A few nights ago, I was walking back from the gym and met this very nice couple sitting at the bus stop. Their names were Michael and Rebekah.  They just moved approx. 2 months ago from Louisville, KY in order for them to be closer to Rebekah’s children who live in Delray Beach. I asked them if I may ask them a personal question while they waited for the bus.  They said, “Sure.”  I ask, “In your personal opinions, what you ya’ll think it takes to get to heaven.”  They both replied, “To ask Jesus Christ into your heart to forgive you of your sins.”  To which I congratulated them for having the right answer and then asked, “Now, can you say that you are truly living the lifestyle that Jesus Christ has called you to live?”  They both answered, “Well, honestly, we weren’t up until a few months ago, but we definitely are now.” I said, “Good; I’m glad to hear it.”  Then I asked, “Have ya’ll found a church down here yet?” They said, “No, we haven’t.  Where do you go?”  I gave them directions to my church.  Michael and Rebekah said that they wouldn’t be in town this weekend, but that they would be there next weekend.  I’ll keep ya’ll posted.



Bonnie, an older lady, was filling in for the regular crossing guard one morning.  While Bonnie was standing on…

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